Monarch Academy Annapolis Names Rachel Amstutz Principal - The Children's Guild

Monarch Academy Annapolis, a public contract school with Anne Arundel County Public Schools, named Rachel Amstutz principal. Amstutz brings more than 18 years of experience in school administration and education.

“I am excited to join the team at Monarch Annapolis to carry on the great work that has taken place in the last two years to launch the school.  With the talented, energetic, and amazing team that is in place, I am confident that our students and school will continue to do great things,” Amstutz said.

Amstutz has held numerous positions with Anne Arundel County Public Schools, including nine years as a school principal, and most recently served as principal of Manor View Elementary School. Previously, she was principal of Bodkin and South Shore elementary schools. Amstutz brings experience administering the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme curriculum also found at Monarch Academy Annapolis.

A former math teacher, Amstutz has taught staff how to use and effectively incorporate new technology in the classroom. She has also implemented strategies such as weekly collaborative planning and regular data analysis to drive school improvement. In addition, Amstutz was a Discovery Educator Network field manager for Discovery Communications, where she built a community of educators to help them expand their use of instructional technology.

Amstutz is pursuing a doctorate in education administration and policy studies from The George Washington University. She holds a master’s degree in education and certificates in administration and supervision and technology leadership from Johns Hopkins University. She earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Towson University.

She has administrator I and II certifications, National Board Certification in early adolescent mathematics and a Maryland State Department of Education advanced professional teaching certificate for first through eighth grades. Amstutz is a native of Pasadena.

“Ms. Amstutz is a highly skilled and extremely experienced educational leader. We are thrilled she has chosen to lead Monarch Academy Annapolis and achieve its mission to prepare students for citizenship by developing critical thinking skills, creative problem-solving, self-discipline and a commitment of service to others in the community in which they live,” said Kathy Lane, chief of educational services for The Children’s Guild Alliance, which operates Monarch Academy Annapolis.

Monarch Academy charter and contract schools are affiliate members of The Children’s Guild Alliance, a nonprofit organization serving children, families and child-serving organizations and dedicated to transforming how America educates and cares for its children through education, behavioral health and national training and consultation services. Affiliates of The Children’s Guild Alliance include The Children’s Guild, The Academy for Working Students (TAWS), TranZed Apprenticeships, The Children’s Guild D.C. Public Charter School, Transformation Education Institute, National At-Risk Education Network (NAREN), Conference Center at The Children’s Guild Alliance and The National Children’s Guild Fund. (