Claws for Cause - The Children's Guild

Claws for a Cause

Crack, Bid, and Make a Difference

Join Our Crab Feast and Silent Auction to Benefit The Children’s Guild School of Prince George’s County

Date:                  Friday, June 14, 2024

Time:                 6:00 PM

Location:         The Children’s Guild School of Prince George’s County

   5702 Sargent Rd, Chillum, MD 20782

Ticket Price:   $100 per person

Why Attend?

Support students with special needs and autism. Your participation makes a tangible difference in the classroom by providing resources such as:

  •  Adaptive playground and gymnasium equipment designed to accommodate diverse needs, fostering inclusive participation.

  •  Technology aimed at enhancing learning within our special education classrooms

Secure your spot now for an unforgettable evening of crab cracking and bidding for a great cause.

We celebrate the remarkable success stories from The Children’s Guild School of Prince George’s County!